Tuesday, August 31, 2010
"A Woman of Substance"
Monday, August 9, 2010
"A Very Happy Un-Birthday"
- I have learned that moving on (even a little) in the direction of God's desires for me is like Jesus walking on the water! It is good to recognize progress made and to rejoice in every success we achieve.
- I have (finally) realized that an "All or Nothing" approach to life is counter-productive. Perfection is highly over-rated and focusing on it robs us of so much of life's wonder.
- I have come to reject the lock-step, one-size-fits-all approach to transformation. If change is to be lasting it must be personal.
- I have learned that observation is not the same as judgment, and that nobody can observe themselves objectively. That is why we need community!
- I have begun to recognize the intertwining threads of my life - especially when it comes to emotions and fears. You cannot pull one without affecting the others.
- I have seen how limiting my own judgments can become. I can be an artist (or anything else) if I decide to see the beauty of my creativity, and if I believe that anything is possible.
- I have learned to practice prioritizing. It is a waste of time to major in the minors.
- I have improved my ability to stay fully present to the presence of God in the present. This requires hanging in with myself and then letting God be God.
- I have realized the folly of trying to run from change. The best response is to rejoice in the opportunities change presents.
- I have found that every beginning begins with an ending. Life is all about saying "goodbye" in order to say "hello".
- I have recognized the crazy-making patterns of thought. No more "what ifs", "if onlys", or "comparisons" for me!
- I have affirmed the importance of Sabbath and the practice of agility. We all need to take time to remember what time is for.
- I have discovered that to follow my desire for re-birth is to keep that star in my sight. It requires me to follow to places I cannot even yet imagine.
- And... I have learned to celebrate every step along the way. Every dream, vision, and goal deserves a life of joy at the moment of its conception and throughout its path to completion.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
"Never Put Off Until Tomorrow..."
In the movie "City Slickers", Jack Parlance plays a crusty old cowboy who lives by his own code of ethics, what might be called "Curly's Law", summed up in this little bit:
Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is?
Curly: This. [holds up one finger]
Mitch: Your finger?
Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and the rest don't mean shit.
Mitch: But what is the "one thing?"
Curly: [smiles] That's what you have to find out.
Curly's Law, Do One Thing... It's a variation on Lucy's prescription and my own intuition. In order for me to find out what my "one thing" is, I have to go through a continual process of prioritization. I have to find out what is major and what is minor, each and every day. And then I have to surround myself with people who will support my majoring in the majors and letting go of the minors. Because I don't want to put off until tomorrow what I can easily put off until the day after (or the week after, the month after, the year after, the decade after...) tomorrow.