Friday, March 19, 2010

The Year of Rebirth!

About a month ago (February 6th to be exact), I celebrated my birthday.  I was not too keen to celebrate this particular milestone in my life, because all year long I had been at peace with being 54 years of age.  And somehow, it never occurred to me that at my next nativity celebration, I would turn "55"!  Fifty-five, that magic year when Goodwill gives you the "senior discount", when AARP really ramps up their efforts to gain your membership, when financial planners keep nagging you to clarify your retirement goals.  I wanted no part of 55.

So I wasn't too appreciative when my eldest daughter called from New York City to wish me a happy "56th".  "56th?" I incredulously cried.  "That is even worse than 55!"  I went on to tell Sarah that, no, I was born in 1955 and I was just turning 55, thank you very much.  

When I hung up the phone, the symmetry struck me... born in '55, just now 55.  That seems too good to disregard, or let go unnoticed and unattended.  Perhaps this 55th birthday could be informed by the first one - or at least I might find some lessons in that first year of life to carry me through this next one.  Which is how I came to see 2010 as the Year of my Re-Birth.

What might it mean to claim rebirthing?  What might it mean to live as a new creation all year long?  Here are the lessons of birth which speak to me about re-birth.  Here is the wisdom of the first year of life which just might prove invaluable in the current year of life:
  1. In this year of re-birth, I will demand attention without pretense.  (Think about babies and their approach to the world)
  2. In this year of re-birth, I will clearly state my own needs, without apology.
  3. In this year of re-birth, I will acknowledge that I do not know everything ... and that is okay!
  4. In this year of re-birth, I will appreciate being held in God's arms... and in others'.
  5. In this year of re-birth, I will delight in every new discovery or experience.
  6. In this year of re-birth, I will not be embarrassed when I need help.
  7. In this year of re-birth, I will celebrate my place in this world, just as I am.
  8. In this year of re-birth, I will recognize spiritual connections and guardian angels.
  9. In this year of re-birth, I will eat simply, simply to live.
  10. In this year of re-birth, I will sleep every chance I get.
  11. In this year of re-birth, I will affirm possibilities are still open for me, with options galore!
  12. In this year of re-birth, I will love and accept myself.
  13. In this year of re-birth, I will be flexible.
  14. In this year of re-birth, I will learn and grow exponentially.
  15. In this year of re-birth, I am choosing to live!
*   *   *
A Prayer for the Year of Re-Birth

You, God, have placed your Truth in my inner being;
Therefore, teach me the wisdom of my heart.
Forgive all that binds me in fear, that I might radiate love.

Cleanse me that your light might shine in me.
Fill me with gladness; 
help me to transform weakness into strength.

Look not on my past mistakes,
but on the aspirations of my heart.

(from Nan C. Merrill's PSALMS FOR PRAYING, Psalm #51)

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