Monday, April 12, 2010


I am considering taking an advanced course in Improvisation this summer. It is being taught by folks I experienced at a previous training on "making transformational change". I think the power of Improv is in what it requires. In order to succeed as an improvisational actor, you must:
1. Listen deeply (you have to be able to hear what is going on in order to respond)
2. Listen with respect, without judgment
3. Be willing to let go of your own agenda (it is not possible to control the action when it is unscripted and spontaneous)

All good things to remember when you are acting - but also when you are living in the midst of transformation, even in the process of re-birth!

I have been absent from the blog for two weeks, in part because I was struggling with the improvisation of my days. After about a week of pain and setback (those doggone cooked green peas got stuck in the pouch!), things have finally returned to a steady progression of healing. It was fun to stop by Goodwill recently and discover I am now 2 sizes smaller than I was a month ago. And I know I will need to make a daily commitment to the improvisation of re-birth...listening deeply, with respect and no judgment, while letting go of my agenda for healing, for change, for life.


  1. By the way, it is now possible to leave a comment for me.... another way to practice "improvisation"! (Just click on the "comments" at the end of the post and you should get a box in which to type. When you are done, tell me who you are and then click "post comment". Let the show go on!

  2. Hi Donna! I've been reading your blog for a few weeks. I don't know if you knew or not, but I had lap band WLS in February. I have a blog too. Check it out:

    I have found the blogging community to be wonderful and the blogging process to be really helpful to learning to live without abusing food.

  3. I probably should identify myself - this is Amanda Wooldridge from Trinity UMC.
